Tiken Jah Fakoly
"The Futur is Africa"
Isn't it marvelous to dance and shout on the epic bouncing sounds of our dear Moussa Doumbia aka Tiken Jah Fakoly? Well, thanks to "Festival Jawhara ", Vinylers were present to cover the entire concert!
Born in Odienné, Ivory Coast, June 23rd ,1968, Fkoly got introduced to reggae music at a very early age, starting his very first band by the name of Djelys in 1987. Concerned by the social and political evolution in his country, and mainly in Africa, he transcripts his views and shares his futur dreams for an "African United" through his reggaeluttion music, that way, he is seen as the second best figure of Reggae Music right after Bob Marley.

“It’s a message of
consciousness, a message about African history. I know the way they tell the
history of Africa here, as if it began with slavery and colonization. It’s
important to explain that before slavery, we had societies that functioned. We
had kingdoms, empires. Our ancestors had remedies for diseases. When you had a
headache you knew exactly which leaf to cut to heal it.”
1993: Les Djelys
1994: Missiri
1996: Mangercratie
1999: Cours d'histoire
2000: Le Caméléon
2002: Françafrique
2004: Coup de gueule
2005: Africa wants to be free
2007: L'Africain
2008: Live in Paris
2008: Le Caméléon
2010: African Revolution
2014: Dernier Appel